Re: confused about eating fruit solo
I've read (I think from
Edgar Cayce ) that its not good to eat fruit along with vegetables.
The two are good eaten separately- but the enzymes of each counter each other and disrupt digestion when eaten in the same meal. Probably best to have fruit 30 minutes after eating your meal of veggies.
Many fruits-- such as pineapple, mangos and papapayas-- and Green Apples!! have rich digestive enzymes that will actually help you digest your previous meal when they are eaten like 30 minutes after.
Any kind of raw berry (especially if freshly picked) makes your body less acidic-- and are awesome when snacked on between meals! A body leaning more to alkaline than acidic will control Candidas.
Even raw nuts (not roasted) make the body less acidic. Sometimes I will cut up a raw green apple, sprinkle with ground cinnamon, and throw in a bowl with a bunch of raw nuts and seeds. I sprinkle the raw cinnamon on the nuts too- throw in some whole cloves, Annisette or cinnamon sticks to also munch on. It makes for a realllly tasty raw trail mix that helps your ph levels in your body to control candidas and even parasites.
It also controls the insulin level- as it provides the protein and fats to control hunger, and at the same time, the raw apple also helps the ph balance- and it wont spike up your insulin levels.
I've read that bananas and plums are one of the few fruits that lean more towards making your ph balance acidic--- so i'd eat those sparingly.