rectal itch?
FOr the rectal itch, simply insert an entire garlic clove as you would with a suppository (it is a natural antifungal and it will work better than the monistat, you acn insert one in your vagina, when needed as well) and keep inserting a new one when it comes out until the itch is over.
Enemas would also be helpful and purchasing an enema bucket will prove useful so as to better cope with constipation.
Read BEST OF SHELLEy on top of this page: How to improve yourdigestion (TUMS???? you have an issue)
THe diet also implies that you stay away from tea, except herb tea and green tea and coffee, as well as gluten: wheat and many carbs except oatmeal, rice buckwheat and millet!
Consider taking oral antifungals on a regular basic: garlic supplement, peau d'arco, graefruit seed extract. Your rectal itch shows that you do not kill the beast properly.