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Re: I am going raw and it is an adventure!!
LNdolls Views: 8,939
Published: 21 y
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Re: I am going raw and it is an adventure!!

I read that, too and had several pineapples and they were delicious and felt great in my body. Apples have a stone dissolving effect, too!
I have had no sniffles since the first MC, either. I feel hearty, although I am a bit more sensitive to cool/cold on the MC.
There are so many reasons I love eating raw food - no cooking is one major thing. The flavors and textures, the satisfaction is unlike any other food I have eaten, easy digestion, easy elimination, abundanct energy, being able to have my favorite foods all the time, trusting my body to tell me rather than any rules. Needing less sleep, having lots more free time as a result of no cooking and less sleep. No cooking smells in the house, no leftovers, no food struggle.
It is really cool how this cleansing lead me to this. I have been focused on a resurrection of body and spirit for a number or years and I am beginning to think I have foudn the real fountain of youth and vitality.


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