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Re: I am going raw and it is an adventure!!
joanne Views: 9,044
Published: 21 y
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Re: I am going raw and it is an adventure!!

Hi LNdolls - welcome, rawwie! I've been raw for about 2 years now. I'm 50, and feel 18, honestly. I didn't before I went raw though, I had asthma and arthritis, and was on lots of meds. I also lost about 60 lbs. I too transitioned to raw using the master cleanse, and every day I was on the mc, I felt better and better, and more dedicated to becoming raw, since I could see what not eating dairy and flour, etc, etc, etc, was already doing for me.

It really can be a solitary way of life, which is why message boards can be such a blessing.

Like, you veggies don't talk much to me. I eat mostly fruit, and nonsweet fruit, like cukes and tomatoes. I also eat a lot of greens. I don't eat too many nuts or seeds, unless I'm eating out at a raw restaurant - gourmet raw always seems to be made mostly of nuts and seeds!

What do you eat? I start out every day with fruit, and lunch is usually some kind of soup or maybe a salad. Dinner is a mish mash - sometimes I have a smoothie, or a salad, or I chop up veggiea and roll them up in a nori sheet, or maybe soup - depends on whether I'm hungry or not. I'm hungriest at lunch, so that's when I eat the most. Occasionally I'll have something cooked, but it's always the same stuff - homemade veggie soup, brown rice, or organic tortilla chips.



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