sweets for the sweet...
You're definitely doing the right thing by starting with a fast...I envy you! You may find that it's very easy to just not go back to refined carbs afterwards. At least you recognize that
Sugar and flour are your enemies; that's half of your battle right there! I find that fasting is such a great way to get the baddies out of your system. You'll feel so clean and light afterwards.
I second pineapple as an absolutely sinful sweet to have for a treat - there's nothing like it. I have banana/pineapple smoothies for lunch or breakfast (or both!) sometimes when I feel like having something sinful.
Two very sweet, and sinfully delicious raw treats which may get you over the hump of craving sugar:
Take a medjool date and stuff it with a little bit of raw nut butter, such as almond butter....to die for.
Mix equal parts raw tahini with raw, unfiltered honey...if you've ever tasted the Middle Eastern candy called Halva, this is it, exactly. Unbelievable.
If you don't like lettuce, don't eat it! I hardly ever have a salad - I think maybe 3 times in the 8 months that I've been raw, although I do use romaine leaves occasionally as a burrito shell for guacamole or salsa. I eat a lot of fruit, and cold soups, and dips, and burritos.