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Re: Toxic Biooootch.
molly bloom Views: 2,503
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 276,767

Re: Toxic Biooootch.

I came home last night and was so hungry...I had a big hole to feed. I've only been drinking carrot orange and wheatgrass during the day....maybe a piece of fruit (and by the way, the weight is just melting off).

So, anyhoo......cheese. And I was stressed to boot.

Within 1/2 hour I felt like total crap. I mean really bad. I have never been one to be "in touch" with my body, and now I feel every little thing.

They say if you do something for a couple of weeks, it's not a habit, but if you do something for changes you completely.

Well, I've got a different way of thinking, and I have to thank all you people. I don't eat all the crap they have laying around in the office. I keep thinking of Sugar and what it does to the body. I gave up carrot cake today....and everyone was saying...come on, it's HEALTHY. I was thinking, hell no, that crap is going to kill you.

On bagel mornings I bring a bunch of organic blueberries, and they are wonderful.

I am telling you, I have never been like this in my life.

Yesterday, I heard my 14 year old son in an argument with a friend, as he fiercely defended the fact that milk "does not make a body good". Then to top it off, he asked his friend "I guess you are still using toothpaste with flouride...huh?". I guess that made the kid on the other end go nuts.

The tentacles reach far into the brain. It's all good, you know?

Love to all. Molly


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