Theories, anyone?
Okay, I have really tried to stay still and meditative while pulling but I never particularly enjoy it unless I am on the computer *doing something* but even so I find it much more pleasurable and satisfying to be moving about when I am pulling (I get better pulls that way and it energizes me). Stretching, busying myself in the kitchen, etc. Also, I finally tried pulling while on the treadmill *after swishing and swishing and not feeling like I was pulling much of anything out* just to see if it would help get things moving along. It did, within a minute or two the oil began thinning and within 5 it was definitely time to spit. So my question was, do you think it is because it ups the circulation that I feel like I get better pulls while moving than I do just sitting? It is not that I am opposed to quiet, reflective meditative time, it is just every time I try to do that while pulling everything in my body says, 'GET MOVING.' I also find it much more stress relieving to be moving about, doing small tasks or paying attention to my body, working sore muscles etc than I do settled down and still.
Was wondering what others are doing and what you have found to be best while pulling...?