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Re: Toxic Biooootch.
trapper/kcmo Views: 2,483
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 276,759

Re: Toxic Biooootch.

funny you should use the word "queer".

it is the boiling frog story. throw a frog into hot water and he will break the sound barrier hopping out. put him in cool water and start heating the water and the frog will sit there to a rolling boil without moving.

you are reacting correctly to the change in environment. keep eating that way, though, and your body will adapt. you will feel normal again, but the toxins AND THEIR EFFECTS will still be there.

we are in a sea of people like that. imagine the kind of people who answer the ads for volunteers for trying out new drugs. these people are already toxed out. how can they use these tainted subjects for any kind of meaningful studies? do you think you would react the same way those mcdonalds devotees will to the tested drug? oh brother.

and about the rise in homosexuality. i truly believe this is toxin driven. you see how aggressive you got. and think of the poor boys. all of those phyto-estrogens and xeno-estrogens are having their effect, even here in small town middle america. no judgement involved, just an observation.


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