Re: --Evolution or Creation--
Hi stridar,
This Creator is not a physical being as most people may consider as you have so poorly considered it to be so!
A Spiritual being does not fit into any Box as you may want to apply to them!
A physical being is restricted by what the physical body may allow!
But the Spiritual being is not restricted as such!
And the physical mind may not understand these things in a normal process , for these ideas may be above most peoples Thought capabilities, for they are of the Spiritual Realm and governed by the Spiritual Realm!
It is not ment for most of mankind to understand the things of the Spiritual, for they are of the Spiritual, and one must seek after the Spiritual in Spiritual ways to come to understand such things!
Most of mankind is of the Carnal Nature, so this may prevent them from understanding the things of the Spiritual!
Smile Tis your choice.