--Evolution or Creation--
Hi Ya'll,
Now "IF" you believe in Evolution, then maybe you may explain where everything comes from?
Ohhhh! You say Man came from apes or some ideas such as this and this came from something else as maybe from the slime of the Ocean or some such Nonsense!
So then where did the ocean come from or for that matter where did the earth come from, Ohhh yes, you may say , these just appeared out of the space between the sun and the moon, but then where did these come from?
Are you beginning to see how "FOOLISH" these ideas may be?
Now "IF" you are to have "ANY" Common Sense, then maybe you may consider that you came from your Mother and that your Father may have had something to do with this also!
So it becomes simple in that everything has been Created by the Creator of what every it is which you may choose to discuss!
Ohhhhhhhhh! But- But-- But this is TOO Simple!!!!!!!!
Generally the simplest is the Best!
But it is "ONLY" when Mankind comes to believe he is Greater than his Creator, that the problems become such a Mess!
For the Creator of "ALL" that "IS" has established everything to follow certain "LAWS" which when they are Disobeyed by Mankind, that Mankind may recieve the "CURSES" which have been allowed for to those who may choose to not Obey the Laws which are set down to allow the universe to operate in Harmony!
Now as far as each species which has been Created, it is impossible for them to Evolve into another species because each Species has a Specific Electrical Frequency, and any alteration of this = a different species!
So it is impossible for in Nature for one species to become another species, even thru mutations!
But within each species, there is an micronage which allows for the adaptation within different environments for this species to survive, but the species stays the same!
In other words it is like Apples, where you have all kinds of apples and all colors, which is what the Micronages allows for within each species!
So it is your choice, "IF" you choose to believe in some Foolish Nonsense of Evolution!
Smile Tis your choice,