Re: The Godless Evolutionist's Creed
As usual, you misunderstand everything. I said I hope you and your kind would "die out." "Die out" means the same thing as "become extinct" - you know, like the dinosaurs that you don't believe existed. And I didn't say all Christians - just the hateful, bigoted, mean-spirited kind, like yourself. I don't presume to think that you speak for most Christians - with whom I have no problem - just the minority lunatic fringe that currently runs the Republican party and wants to re-create America as a fascist theocracy. And don't pretend that you're a conservative - true conservatives want as little governmental intrusion in their lives as possible. Your buddy George W. and his pals James Dobson, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and Tony Perkins want government to dictate to everyone what they can or can't do - so long as they follow their narrow, hateful, racist interpretation of the Bible.
And again, instead of answering my question - why are you so angry? - you project that anger onto me. Yes, I'm angry. This country has been hijacked by a minority of religious zealots who are trying to destroy democracy in this country. I think that's a pretty good reason to be angry. What's yours? Are you going to use the "we-poor-Christians-are-so-persecuted-in-America" whine? Yes, you only control all three branches of the government, you've got religious mottos on our're so oppressed. Puh-leese.
You extremist zealots - I like to call you the American Taliban - will become extinct some day. Maybe not in my lifetime, but someday. And then America can be free again.