Re: The Godless Evolutionist's Creed
I used to view it as sort of a fiction as well. It's not really that I doubted it, it just seemed too good to be true, almost like a well-meaning fairy tale. But the more I dug into it the more it seemed plausible. Among other things, I found that the contents of the New Testiment must be true, otherwise a huge outcry of fraudulent claims would have erupted from that era. Instead just the opposite happened. There were people alive at the time who could have easily refuted the claims of the Apostles and Paul, but there are scantly any. Instead chruches were instantly formed and the Glory of the Savior was announced everywhere. Also I find it rather odd that nearly all the Apostles would have allowed themselves to be brutally executed for something they knew was a lie.
I used to live my life as a lie. I treated God like a badge on a military uniform. I accepted God in theory, but not in a personal way. I used to live in the dark. My heart was cold, hard and cynicle. My marriage was strained, my priorities were out of whack and my life had no meaning.
But recently the Savior has truly touched my soul. I realize now that I'm a delicate creature made purely from God's love and wisdom. Each night I talk quietly with my creator...just me and Him. Quietly. Honestly. With love. No stained glass windows. No Baptist preachers. No pipe organs or happy songs. Just us. I am new now. I'm whole. And I'm changed. I'll never be able to explain it.