Re: What about Schools?
Evolution is a science, hence it should be taught. the idea of separation of church and state is there for a reason. There are to many religions for us to pick and choose one story.
Suppose your kids school has some other kids from the church of marajuana, they were taught that we were created by the pot god who was so high he decided to create people to play a game of good and evil with, they even have an entire book documenting his history!! wow!! Because we teach religious beliefs instead of researched science, that belief is now required to be taught to every child, including yours.
Ok, I realize the pot god is going off on the far end, but seriously, how would you feel if that was a belief that was indoctrinated to your children from the age of 5 and up? People must realize that muslim, buddhist, athiest - you name it - people will feel the EXACT same way about your creation story as you felt about mine. Unfortuneatly for creationists, evolution is the theory that has the most actual evidence to support it, so that is what will be taught in public schools. Private schools are where creation is taught, and that is how it will stay.