Since this is the debate forum...
I agree with your quote, "As we go through lifes experiences and we deal with them in a way that would please God, Our soul gets stronger. When we die our spirit leaves our body so our body dies. Our spirits return to God who gave it life." However, I do not agree that God is not interested in when we die. "How" might not interest Him, but "when" is certainly of utmost importance if His whole purpose for us in the first place is for us to have "Our souls get stronger", as you say. Our free will which allows us to choose to do good is His goal, I think. Of course He wishes us to choose what is good (I'm not going to squabble over definitions of good, we have to take some things for granted), yet is it not possible that someone's "goodness" could become corrupted and therefore their soul becomes weaker as times goes on?
Take for example a child suffering from no deficiencies in health, family, etc. His life is quite fine. He is struck by a car that veered off the pavement and he dies. Though we'd never know, could this have been a plan all along? Could not this child have reached the peak of his spiritual growth ("he was such a sweet child", "it's such a loss", and all the other things you seem to hear more often when a child dies) and his life was to be in a downward trend until he eventually died? This is all conjuecture and my own thoughts, but if God's purpose for us is to grow spiritually, wouldn't it make sense to cull the herd? Isn't this what any sensible shepard who wants to maintain and improve the health of his flock does?