Re: Is this really a support forum for God without religion?
I didn't mean the verses as proof, just as a showing that not all in the bible is hurt and anger. Often the only thing taught is the hurt and anger. I've had to go "looking" myself to see the support and beauty that is there.
Hmm, medical science, perhaps that's another thing I think of in seperate terms. Is see the gift of a scientific mind, curiouity, ability as a God given effect. BUt you are right, how it's been used is a product of man, not God. Men who wish to stay in power, and not fulfill God's purpose for them. But that really is another forum discussion altogether!
Now, as for personal experiences, I have lots of those. Some I hardly believe myself when lookng back. I remember the yr that my dad was sick and money was tight very well. There wasn't enough money for rent and food the entire month, much less christmas. We talked about it, first my mom and I then my brothers, and we decided that christmas would be purely spiritual. And we embrased that as a good idea. The next day our landlords girlfriend paid that months rent so we could keep the money for the next month. She also bought a month worth of food. We recieved 3 food baskets (we asked for none) and three cards with 50's in them. When the girlfriend talked about it she admitted that she was going to donate to charity and then she suddenly thought of us. She hasn't ever repeated that. Christmas was verymoving that year and truely spiritual.
Before that, when I was going into 10th grade, I took a trip to San Antonio Texas with some families who's boys were looking at the semenary high school. We, "not students", spent our time sight seeing and going to the old missionaries. It was at one of the oldest that I was introduced to empathy, or the ability to feel others' emotions. It was overwhelming and wonderful at the same time. The place was full of love and security and devotion. It's been rare to feel that anywhere else. That has only happened in a spiritual context.
There are more experiences, some simpler some more complex, that I've had. Each and everyone was embedded in love and devotion. I've had prayers answered in such a way that God is the only explination. Where God is concerned, I have never experienced those negative things that are usually associated with God. Like modern medicine, that'a product of man. Just because the gift is there doesn't mean it will be used properly.