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to 18626,
been there done that Views: 1,087
Published: 21 y
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to 18626,

(It takes alot of [judgemental] creativity to be critical of your post). I am interested in the subject of epistomology (no training, my interest is more on the "Argumentation" level). I think that it is very important to make a distinction between concepts (knowledge/information, educated opinions, hypothesis, logic, reason, conjecture, wisdom and truth). Does epistimology make any such distinctions? Jesus says that He is the truth (John 14:6), the bible is "the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15), we (the believers) are "the pillar and bulwark of the truth" 1 Tim. 3:15). I think the most dangerous thing a person can do is "never arrive at a knowledge of the truth" 2 Tim. 3:7 by doubting like Pilate did in John 18:38 "What is truth". When my friend went to seminary, he was taught epistomology, so I have heard of it and understand it's use in Apologetics, but my bias (love) toward Jesus won't allow me a scientific viewpoint. Have you found epistomology to inspire true faith, or is there a "crossroads" from "intellectual assent" to loving trust of the Father (and at what point in growth?).

The Lord does not say BE LOGICAL, The Lord says "Come, let us REASON together", logic doesn't require interaction, it can be done alone by simply following bureaucratic rules (like a crossword puzzle or mathematical formula).


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