Re: "How to see God .... if there is one!!"
Dear Friend,
Can I ask you why are you discussing "God" if you dont want to "re-unite" with him?
Is this just some mental gymnastics for your amusement, or is this a forum for truth??
OK, lets forget "relig..." for a minute. Why is this FEAR of "G.." so obvious here. Are we not strong enough of mind to discuss this?
Who are you praying to?
What are you praying for?
It all looks a little vague to me -- I am searching for truth, not just another mental manipulation.
Our nature [every living entity] is to serve! Just as "sugar" is sweet. We are all serving constantly.. man serves woman and visa versa....animals serve man...there is no exception to this if you examine it in reality.
The question is "who" should we serve to be situated in our original position?
Again, your fear of organised thinking and labeling of catagories is of concern..
Your attraction to using words like "luck"[others are "chance" and "mistake" and "accident"] is not new!
These we use when we dont understand the real cause clearly.
It seems your situation is having a poor fund of knowledge!
With this kind of approach you will never find the truth -- just a shadow which will be disappear when the sun rises.
In EVERY field of endeavour, the process is to approach someone who knows, with humility!
Why is it that when it comes to spiritual matters we drop this etiquette and try to figure it out ourselves.
Are we afraid to admit our ignorance??
Please STOP speculating and misguiding.....