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Re: How to vegetarians on this site eat so much raw low fat food?
garhi Views: 1,952
Published: 22 y
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Re: How to vegetarians on this site eat so much raw low fat food?

I would like to share something a very wise person once shared with me:

"It's not what you eat that makes you's what you don't digest!"

Once you "jump off the train" of what other people tell you you "should" eat and start to tune in to your own body and it's needs, you will begin your (physical and spiritual!) journey to health. I have been eating mostly raw foods recently, and since I bike over 100 miles per week, I end up eating plenty of nuts and fats, since I have a large appetite. They also contain many healthy ingredients the body appreciates! I trust my body to tell me what it wants, and if I'm eating too much fat, it will tell me. There is a BIG difference between the healthy fats found in RAW nuts, and the fats found in animal foods, cooking oil, and indeed in roasted nuts, imho. So don't let preconceived notions prevent you from making the choice to eat foods which digest themselves, ie raw foods!


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