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How to vegetarians on this site eat so much raw low fat food?
  Views: 1,956
Published: 23 y

How to vegetarians on this site eat so much raw low fat food?

Many people on this site claim to be vegetarians who eat a low fat, almost all raw food diet.

Unless one is eating a lot of nuts and seeds (a high fat diet) raw food vegetarianism appears to be a practical impossiblility. Raw, uncooked foods provide a lot of bulk with a low calorie density. Vegetarian diets that are successful over the long term when are centered around cooked starches (e.g Ornish and McDougall Diets).

In addition, there are plenty of reasons to question the healthfulness of Vegetarianism/Veganism for 25-50% of the population due to the role of carbs in insulin resistance.

It is impossible to get enough calories out of a raw plant based diet unless you eat all day long like a gorilla, or eat a high fat diet where most of your calories come from nuts and seeds. For intance 5 cups of broccoli amounts about 100 calories. Is your stomach big enough to eat 5 cups of broccoli? The human stomach holds about 4 cups of food full. You would have to eat 100 cups of this veggie to meet the average daily calorie needs of 2,000. If you were a fruitarian you would would have to eat 17 pieces of large fruit.

Even if 50% of your diet was raw food, the math does add up then either (50 cups of broccoli or 8 pieces of large fruit) on top of the remaing 50% of grains etc.

What are raw foodists actually eating? Where can I get a stomach implant so I can become a raw foodist?

An interesting, Science based website discusses this. See


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