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Re: Did god mess up, or Jesus not get the job done ? Mohamed got the job done- peace be upon him-
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Published: 21 y
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Re: Did god mess up, or Jesus not get the job done ? Mohamed got the job done- peace be upon him-

As a matter of fact it says

Thou Shalt have no other Gods before Me. Where does it say The First Commandment of our dear Moses who suffered at the hands of his people, from the Almighty Lord of the Universe was that there is only ONE GOD.

You misquote God's words and base your belief of something that is false. How typical of those whe are lead away by Satan into deception.

God the Father is one God. Jesus Christ is his Son and he has also be exalted to Godhood. That is Two gods.

When God created Man He said,

Gen 1:26 And God said, Let us• make man in our image•, after our likeness•: and let them have dominion• over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

The last time I checked US and OUR ment Plural or many.God and Jesus are one in Purpose as indicated in John when jesus was praying ofr the Apostles and said Bless them O Father that they my be one as we are one. This is plural individuals who are one in purpose. You need to Open your eyes. mohammed was a pedophile. How can a true Prophet be engaged in having sex with small children?



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