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Re: Hudlda Clark's Treatment for Alcoholism
drofinnah Views: 1,603
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 269,027

Re: Hudlda Clark's Treatment for Alcoholism

thanks richard...

i can relate to several of the symptoms of hypoglycemia... for one... i always get very hyper after drinking coffee... which isn't that often mind you... because i've always noticed it and consequently try to abstain as much as possible... but i always thought it was because i was so drug free that my system was just a bit extra sensitive to caffeine...

a very informative site indeed... everything keeps pointing to diet as the proper path to health... which is not so surprising to me after learning of the vast amount of carcinogens we receive right off the shelf of our local grocery stores... namely "SODIUM NITRITE"... you'll find it in every meat product in the store... whether it be in the can or otherwise... all packaged foods use preservatives ... one other thing to be on the alert for is "hydrogenated oils"... which means that hydrogen is bubbled up through the oil to change the molecular structure and again... to give items a longer shelf life... i am going to start doing some serious gardening this coming spring... check out "miss libbys" blogs if you want all the details...

so it's like you always say...
on the road to the good stuff...
thanks again...



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