the theme... "a new state of consciousness"... is referring to having a spiritual awakening... but that most discover in a new sense of well being/peace/love that comes over us... that i might add... for most of us... we are ever so gently transformed into...
i have had the burning bush type spiritual experiences before... and some of the most awesome profound experiences came early in recovery... and although they were powerful... their message/impact was not fully/clearly understood at the time... nor was it like a life shattering transformation that one would think it would have been... because i still drank afterwards... so from that i would have to conclude that the more gradual spiritual awakening is one that produces the better long term results... the one that you don't even know has happened until perhaps you are called on to be a speaker... and upon telling your story you realize that you don't even know that fellow anymore... the person you use to be no longer exists... and is but a memory...