on the subject of eye flashes and twitches i get both all the time. its like in my peripheral vision especiallaly at night a kind of alternating black then white flashing which is annoying to say the least, i also have the pleasure of micropsia or alice in wonderland syndrome as it is more commonly known. it first appeared when i was about 10 or 11, its hard to explain but when i go to bed or sometimes in the evening sitting around the dinner table my families faces will get smaller an smaller and further away or if i look at the salt pots on the table they will do the same.
if im in bed with my eyes closed i get the feeling of being in an open space that is so unimaginably vast it gets so intense i cannot keep my eyes closed and if i open them everything seems strange and far away its like the most intense distorted perception of objects, time and space. thankfully it has subsided to a cirtain degree but it was at its pinacle when i was 13ish, anyone else heard of that or had it?
funny thing is it started around the time i had fillings put in but you dont think of that at the time.