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Re: Fallacious information at
  Views: 2,393
Published: 21 y
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Re: Fallacious information at

Well you also could read her books, she has many of them, in all of her books she openly lays out all her scientific findings and steps of her research for all to see for themselves. She is not against medical Doctors or their establishments and never says so anywhere in her writings.
Also keep in mind Medical doctors are not taught Parasitology. And parasites can be microscopic and not seen, and not taken to pathology to be scrutinized.
She does say in all of her writings it could be other things and its exclusivley not parasites in every case. And she states in her books that what is in her books is her opinion and hers alone.
To each his own. She has never hurt anyone as her remedies are herbal, safe, and natural. And she points to all the toxic things in our environment that bring down immunity in order to boost your immunity. that in itself would help people with any disease they were suffering from.


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