Re: Fallacious information at
I am very sorry you suffer from this disease and I wish you well in finding relief and hopefully a cure.
It saddens me that you think the information from Dr. Clark is fallacious.
I have to ask. How do you know this? Have you tried her protocols? Have you proved they don't work? Do you know what causes endometriosis and how to avoid it or stop it from continuing? Have the cells been examined by your doctors for signs of parasites? When cells became damaged, there is always a reason for that to happen, so what is it that creates such a painful disorder as endometriosis?
Has the endometriosis association done any testing of her methods and been able to disprove them? When do they plan on doing a study of her methods and reporting the results? I don't think that is ever going to happen, because if they prove Dr. Clark is correct, then they are out of business. I doubt they would want a simple, healthy, and natural program to replace all the hard work, time, and money they have spent.
There are numerous doctors and scientists out there working in what they believe is the truth, and they are being hushed by the main stream, threatened with mulitple law suits and even jail for exposing what they know is the truth about disease and cures.
Thank God for the internet and those who are brave enough to speak out, because we are getting the information that most government agencies never want us to hear. Why? $$$$$$. It doesn't pay to have your stock in the huge pharmaceutical companies wan because there is a natural cure. They make millions, and who are the investors? Most likely your doctors, your pharmacist, and your politicians.
You are wrong is stating the information Dr. Clark has provided is fallacious. You don't know that for a fact at all. It is just your opinion. You are getting your information from the main stream, and they have a vested interest in not finding a cure.
I will pray that you will someday be able to open you mind up to new ideas, and give Dr. Clark's methods a chance to prove themselves. There are hundreds, if not thousands of testimonials from people all over the internet who have cured themselves and relieved numerous symptoms by following the programs of Dr. Clark.
Dr. Clark not only is looking for a cure, but she has found causes of disease, and the situations and environments leading to cell damage, how to repair the cells, and has taught thousands of us how to avoid things that are detrimental to our health and repair a toxic organ. She is a miracle worker in my opinion, and her methods have improved my health substantially, and rid me of several maladies, some which my doctors said there was no cure, eczema, acid reflux, acne, halitosis, edema, bronchitis, hair loss, and sensitive teeth, to name a few.