I read your message and really wanted to respond! We have a 6 1/2 year old intelligent son who has exhibited tics since he was four. I suspected something was up in the beginning but did not put things together until his sixth birthday when we brought him in to a large university hospital for testing. It had been suggested by his kindergarten teacher that therapy for frustration management be helpful. My son who not only frustrates easiliy but also tends to have social fears about not fitting in, recently started to change his tics from small vocaliztions (throat clearing, sniffling, etc.) to head movements, grimaces, eye blinking and arm flinging. So, at this point, he is on queu to visit a neurologist to discuss these issues and determine if TS is what he has. I expect the answer to be yes. I am trying to anticipate what the recommendation will be and I have been searching the internet for alternative treatment therapies for TS and anxiety (which he also suffers from). I am having a hard time of it.