Tourrette's Syndrome
My daughter is 6 years old, diagnosed with ADHD/Tourrette's. She sees a homeopath. The rememdy she is currently taking is copper. I have elminated wheat (where possisble), cow milk, artificial colors. She now drinks goat milk, and takes cottage cheese and flax seed oil. Before here last "attack" of tics and "twisters", she had been ill with the flu for 3 weeks and during that time alos grew about 3
inches. Her body was under tremendous stress. She also takes a Rescue/Nighttime Remedy to help her sleep.
Specifically, it is the Tourrette's that I need to focus on, although her tics have been reduced by about 90%. She is sufferring socially, and her self-esteems is in a spiral. We are being a reassuring as we can, we try to celebrate our differences but some things are hard to be joyous about, despite our individuality.
It breaks my heart to watch other children (AND ADULTS!) gape at her, like a sideshow freak. She is still just a 6 year old girl.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.