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Re: does it REALLY get easier?
kittyglitter Views: 3,686
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 260,054

Re: does it REALLY get easier?

First, *hugs* You're already walking a path that many people would never have the courage to even consider. You're already one closer to health.

Next, everyone who has posted is right. Listen to your body. Drink what you need. Better to have some left over than not enough. While it's important to stick to the letter of the diet, you don't have to stick to the law. Lemons/Syrup/Water/Salt/Tea...that has to stay, but when it comes to methods think about what you need to make it easier. Would it help it have lemonade icecubes to put in a glass of water? Or popsicles? I carry around 64 oz of lemonade at all times. Sometimes I take a swig even when I'm not particularly hungry so it doesn't hit me like a ton of bricks later. Like how you eat little meals throughout the day.

Consider your motivations. Why are you cleansing? Your motivations are what keep you strong and on track. Your motivations need to be extremely important to you so you can reflect on them when you feel like quitting.

There are days when you're going to feel bad. You're passing higly toxic substances and as they make their way out, your body is fighting them tooth and nail so take care of it. Hot bath, early bedtime, walk around the block, sitting quietly outside for 10 minutes...all these things really help.

You're doing a great job. Keep it up!


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