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Re: i do tea,extra water and pulp- NO SWF
Lithia Views: 3,085
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 260,063

Re: i do tea,extra water and pulp- NO SWF

I didn't go into too many details in my blog about exactly what drugs I abused but I will be adding a page tomorrow (not enough time today to get to it). I was either drunk, speeding, or stoned almost EVERYDAY for over 9 years!!! I know that a majority of my toxins come from my "substance" abuse, but I worry about mercury poisoning as well. I still have 2 fillings in my mouth that need to be replaced with amalgam, and I do love my fish. The chances are good that I am detoxing mercury as well!!! But being that I am new to fasting, and the fact that too many people aren't very open about WHAT they are polluted with and their corresponding detox symptoms, I would have no idea how to tell them apart!

I am HOPING to successfully complete a 40 day cleanse (keep your fingers crossed) and afterwards, I will probably not eat any meat. There really is no need to consume something that is so damaging to your body (hard to digest, toxic) and after reading The Master Cleanser and doing even more research it is evident that you get all the protien you need from the air and a vegan diet. How do you feel about organic yoghurt, and organic eggs from free roaming hens??? I would like to incorporate these back into my diet after the cleanse (after about a month of eating vegan) and was wondering if you'd heard of any reason why we shouldn't consume them?



Peace, Love, and Fasting


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