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Re: Day 1 on 6-6-06...devil be damned!!!

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

hopinso Views: 1,315
Published: 19 y
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Re: Day 1 on 6-6-06...devil be damned!!!

Can anyone tell me if it's ok to take a sleep aid while on this diet? I have problems sleeping enough without being on such a stressful routine that adding this diet to my list of things I have to focus on is only going to make it worse.

I would not recommend a prescription or even an over the counter sleep aid while fasting. That would just put more stress on your liver and kidneys. However, there is a product called Melatonin the the body produces naturally as it responds to changes in light. Also Vitamin B-6 promotes natural melatonin production. A combination of melatonin and B-6 would be safe to take while fasting. Start with a 3 mg dose. If necessary you can take up to 9 mg for short periods of time. If you use it regularly stick with 3 mg. This promotes natural sleep and will not leave you feeling drugged. I buy NATROL brand Melatonin with added vitamin B-6 at Walmart. Its a good product to use when needed, but try to avoid using it everyday. By the way-its 100% vegetarian. This is one of the very few supplements I would suggest adding to the MC, and only when needed.


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