Re: Milk, well if this doesn't put you off nothing will
> Dr. Cabot emailed me with a link about milk,
The story about milk is very simple.
Just like the story about corn, or gluten or nuts.
Some people can tolerate it, and it is good for them.
Other people can't, it is not good for them.
But, the only good milk is RAW milk.
The real problem with milk is pasteurisation and homogenization and other processing.
(preservarives added in cheese, and other products ...
The real problem is FOOD INDUSTRY!
I consume occasionally fermented milk products.
(Sour cream, yoghurt,...)
It is a rich source of probiotics.
I couldn't consume it before, I was intolearant for many years.
After 8 liver cleanses, I was able to tolerate it again.