Re: Actually NO, I wasn't talking to YOU!!
Actually Alienlady, Healing for the Age of Enlightenment IS the book. Stanley Burroughs wrote Healing for the Age of Enlightenment and it includes 3 therapies that he thinks combined will heal illness. The first section of the book is about the Master Cleanse, and is in fact the source for the booklet you refer to, which I think was published after the original Healing A of E book that he wrote. The
Master-Cleanse pamphlet is a short-hand entry to the MC. The other therapies in the source book involve movement/massage therapy and a section on color therapy (hence yellow and lemons, btw.)
I've done the
Master-Cleanse for well over a decade (maybe 15 years or so, but I don't recall...the late 80s or early 90s anyway) when the booklet presented here was not in general publication, to my knowledge anyway. So the text I have too and have always used is Healing for the Age of Enlightenment.
I also want to let you know that I'd read previously where you'd had a cleanse and have had a difficult time digesting since and have had a bloated stomach which has gone on awhile...perhaps this is the source of some of your frustration?
I do hope you feel better; as we are all here to feel better and support our collective efforts.