If it matters at all... which it really does not TO ME...
But I suggest you back up to page 21...You are reading from page 22 and you are reading under the HEADING "ANOTHER Cleansing Aid:"
"HELPING THE CLEANSING ALONG: A LAXATIVE HERB TEA is found to be the BEST HELPER for MOST PERSONS. It is a good Practice to take a good Herb LAXATIVE TEA right from the beginning -- the last thing at night and the first thing in the morning."
SWF is a quickie cleanse and DOES NOT help you eleminate 3-4 times a DAY! That is a MUST for the cleanse to work efficently and only the TEAS accomplish this AS the directions on page 21 tell you.
If you can drink 4 SWF's a day... more power to you... You'll be first!
The Teas only work according to how long you steep the tea bag. For some people it is 2 minutes and some people like me... it is 4 minutes. I don't get cramps and it works 3-4-5 times a day.
That's all I have to say on this matter as this is a Support forum... Not an Arguement or DEBATE forum.
Tis Your CHOICE! alienlady