MC is finally over.....these were the fastest 40 days of my life. As I posted before I did not have major detox symptoms while doing this cleanse but I know my body needed a rest.
Actually my last day on Master-Cleanse was last Monday. It feels good to be able to eat again. I was on the road and could not break the fast properly I ate the oranges instead or juicing them and had to drink bottled OJ from the supermarket. No problems there. By the end of the second day I ate some bread (I know I was not supposed to) and salad. Had a little belching but that was it. And of course I eat very slowly and chew the food until is liquid in my mouth then swallow.
I was really concerned if my bowel movements would be normal after taking laxative teas and swf for 40 days. No problem there I am having two to three movements a day as I was having before the cleanse.
Today I started the P&B shakes and going to do that for a while.
Good luck to all of you and remember our mind is very powerful. It is not so difficult as it seems.