Re: Master Cleanse cleans out what?
What you get out during a juice fast depends entirely on what you have inside!
I have done extensive colon cleansing, and my main arsenal has been the MC, fresh fruit/veg juice fasting and professional colonics. I have seen some truly amazing things pass through my
colonic tube/potty during the almost four years it has taken to remove the layers and layers of gunk someone stapled (velcroed??) to the walls of my colon! lol
You would do well to do a
parasite cleanse before doing an
Master-Cleanse if you have not done so recently, and the P&B is a good choice while eating a cleansing diet pre-fast. However, discontinue the P&B while fasting as you need to remove the burden of digestion to allow the body time to cleanse, detox and heal, which the
Master-Cleanse does very well just as written.
When you refer to "the whole 40 days"... where do you get that idea? Nowhere in
Master-Cleanse protocol is a 40 day fast recommended, nor is a fast this long a good idea without professional supervision. I have done long fasts (30, 60 days) with the supervision of my excellent naturopath, and have been grateful for her support when crises arise during a cleanse this long (for example, I passed a kidney calcification on day 18 of my 60 day odyssey!). Also... be aware that long fasting does cause some fairly intense metabolic changes--I lost hair by the handsful for two months, beginning two months after my 60 day fast! Luckily my naturopath was there to explain the process, and that the hair would grow back! (It did.)
You will do very well to stick to a ten day MC. If you feel you need a longer cleanse, consider eating a cleansing diet for ten days, then do another ten day MC. This series of shorter cleanses is FAR easier on your body, and much easier to break (I was still breaking the 60 day fast 6 MONTHS later)!