Liver flush...
I've done 3 MC's in the past. The first time out I didn't do a
Liver Flush immediately prior to the MC, but I had done three about 8 months earlier. It seems that a lot of people don't do them prior to the
Master-Cleanse and have no problems. BUT it would make the
Master-Cleanse easier,I think, because you would be getting rid of some toxins prior to starting the
Master-Cleanse as a
Liver Flush requires some bowel cleansing and it starts cleaning out your liver. Doing a
Liver Flush is way easier than a MC too:-)
My gallbladder symptoms were atypical in that I had heartburn and welts from acute itching all over my body. Also migraines 10X more frequent than I normally had. One liver flush and it all stopped. After my 3rd MC (2 weeks later) the itchiness came back SUDDENLY and I did a
Liver-Flush a couple days later. Tons of 'chaff' was released and the symptoms went away. I think the excess of chaff was from the MC cleaning out my body. SO, yes do a LF. Ideally before and after, but definitely after. Happy cleansing!