Re: Dealing with parasites/worms for over 20 years
Basically every living creature that has a heartbeat is not only susceptable to
parasites but almost all have some amount of
parasites to some degree. It's when a parasitic infestation gets out of control to the point they make their presence overtly known and cause detectable disease that it becomes a serious problem. Mankind's adverse effects on the planet... global warming, destruction of tropical rainforests and other habitats where parasitic creatures are/were normally at home but driven to seek new homes, an explosion in global travellers and global trade, and widespread use of all kinds of unnatural chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, etc.... and (tinfoil hat time) probably more than one govt military evil scientist program to weaponize
parasites as bioweapons (cough, cough, ticks and lyme disease, gawd knows what else) have all contributed to make an increasing global health threat out of parasites once thought to only cause obscure tropical diseases in distant lands called 3rd world shtholes.... Western medicine is currently pretty much uneducated, unprepared and unequipped to recognize and deal with them yet, let alone acknowledge the increasing new threat.... that's slowly starting to change the past few years, but the wakeup call isn't happening quickly enough and lots of people are going to suffer and die before the medical industry acknowledges the rude awakeing they've been denying the past couple decades. Much of the world of Veterinarians noticed the problem already, and are quite deeply troubled by what they've been facing.