Re: 7 Warning Signs of a SALT Deficiency
there are a lot of interesting comments below this video, like the follwoing:
''my dad told me. he was a little boy in the mid 60s. during baseball practice, one of the boys from the team dropped 💀 from dehydration. after that the coach made sure they all got their salt tablets.''
''My husband went off salt to lower his blood pressure. Doctors orders. It was around 130. Shot up to 160 without the salt. Went back to eating his olives, pickles, etc. Blood pressure dropped down.''
'I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and put on high blood pressure medication when I was 31, but for years continued to have extremely high blood pressure, my diastolic bp was over 100 for years, systolic 145+. This was despite the fact that I ate a very clean very healthy diet, and I never used salt, sugar, cookies, candy, soda, alcohol or junk food, and did not smoke. One day I bought some sea salt to use for a cleaning job in the kitchen, and then used a little of it on my salmon. It was so tasty that I kept using it. A few weeks later when my doctor took my blood pressure, it was down to 100 over 70, down from 145 over 110!!! I have continued to use sea salt and my bp has remained at 100 over 70 !!!!'
'I have had low blood pressure most of my life. Random dizzy spells, fatigue, weakness, intolerance to heat, weight gain, shortness of breath, and my doctors could never figure out what was wrong with me. I had also been craving sea salt potato chips SO BADLY for a few months and every time I ate them and drank a little water, I felt like completely normal again. Started adding celtic sea salt and trace minerals to my water every day, and boom. Back to normal. But when I spoke to my doctors about it, they tell me I am just dehydrated and to "drink more water" which was making the situation worse.
My Naturopathic Dr told me to add more celtic sea salt. Waddya know. Now I'm better.
Thank you for this video. Quality salt has been demonized for way too long.'
I think salt is mandatory when one eats cooked/heat treated food.
If you are on a 100% raw diet and drink 16- 32 oz celery juice per day you might get away with not eating any salt.