I watched Dr. Hulda Clark sprinkle vitamin c powder and salt on her foods---she lived the way she wrote and that lead to her demise......She openly admitted that he diet destroyed her RED CELL COUNT, but she refused to change---many tried to tell her that alkalinity is life and her acid diet leads to cancers and death and she proved that fact---I at least respected her for living the way she wrote...even if it was toxic and suicidal way to go.
SALTS are perfect foods for plants and trees......starting last year I started spraying my fields with OCEAN SALTS. PLANTS and TREES LOVE OCEAN SALT MINERALS as do humans---only our salts are best consumed after the tree has made use of them and created sweet tasting / yummy fruits....
For those that enjoy raw bloody meats---they need to give their cattle/pigs/chickens plenty of OCEAN SALTS....otherwise they will be sickly creatures with sickly meat.