Oh no! Sorry to hear about that! It sounds like you recovered from it very well! I get encephalopathy but it’s only been brain swelling so far, luckily. I’m glad you’re ok! I’ll have to try that vinegar in my hair. I use a nit comb 2 or 3 times a day, but there still seems to be something living inside the strands and I don’t see Demodex. You know, because the strands stick up from my scalp. I don’t see anything really. I cut my long, thick hair off. I think I use to find hookworm larvae in it sometimes. I don’t find them now. I use this shampoo for dogs now. It seems to help with the itching. It’s called Natural Care Itch Relief, I get it at Wal-Mart. It works great and inexpensive about $7 or $8. Thanks for the info