Re: I just finished the MC......Forty Days and Forty Nights.....Great Journey!!!!!
Chad - first of all let me send a gigantic congratulations for attaining the ultimate in cleansing feats - a whopping 40 days!!! That is awesome. I have read your posts over the past week or so and have found them inspiring. I am going to go on the cleanse myself starting this week.
I have one thing to say. When you say "like attracts like" you are absolutely correct. It is a fundamental law of physics which states that you can only have people in your space at a similar vibratory frequency. It is great that you are attracting positive and uplifting people into your life while being on the cleanse. But, also remember that the "negative" people you bring into your life are simply "mirrors" to show you a reflection of your own consciousness. It might not be wise to simply avoid or discard these people that say hurtful things. It would be responsible to look at yourself and see where you might hold any similar views or negative thoughts in your own life towards others. To not smash the mirror (the perceived negative people) and to objectively look at your own life for any similar patterns of conduct will give you the wonderful opportunity to stop the cycle and see where "you" can change. Once you have changed any thoughts of negativity or judgments, you will not attract these people into your life. If you just avoid these people and don't see the priceless message they are sending you (the negative comments reflecting your own consciousness), they will continuously pop up in your life to remind you of your unhealed mind. The objective is not to forgive others, but to completely forgive yourself, for everyone is essentially a reflection of you.
Once again, congratulations on day 40!!!
P.S. On your new t.v. show, how about throwing in a shout out to
The Master Cleanse for all us cleansers out there? LOL