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Re: I just finished the MC......Forty Days and Forty Nights.....Great Journey!!!!!

Parasites Cleanse
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Bio Cleanse Detox Kit
”Great job, the clean-out worked a treat :)”

Madonna Views: 1,318
Published: 20 y
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Re: I just finished the MC......Forty Days and Forty Nights.....Great Journey!!!!!

Hey Chad-

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I think we all knew you would do it, and do it you far as other people are concerned, just focus on the positive. When confronted by something negative, pivot your thoughts towards something wonderful and just move on...the negative event that has taken place is never as powerful as the amount of time we spend dwelling on that particular event...if you spend hours worrying and rescripting the event,or getting "even", you have done nothing but derail your own spiritual growth during all those hours you spent worrying and were off the spiritual path....Let's examine this really: Who won? The negative comment, or your cleansed body/soul? Who won? The guy who thinks sniping at loyal clientele is a worthwhile activity, or your new spiritual,loving self? Even the fact that you worry about what others think shows you have a sensitivity to life that is valuable. But here are my thoughts: "Stay in your own movie". That's what we used to say when people got caught up in trying to control all the events around them-an impossible task. You cannot control the actions of others, but you can control your actions, reactions, and FEELINGS. CHOOSE TO FEEL GOOD at all costs, and believe me it takes practice. Focus on the handsome,winsome new Chad - relish those fantastic new opportunities in television and real estate, revel in the wonders of life, breathe deeply, shout and dance with joy over your amazing accomplishments, and don't worry about others(love others if possible, but don't worry about them). If you still want to go to the restaurant because the food's good, go and enjoy. If it has soured you, don't go there anymore - find another place to eat delicious, nutritious food (although it might be hard since LA is such a small town - hee,hee) .... BE HERE NOW- the situation has passed, no relevance now at this moment or any time in your future. All that is relevant at any moment is how you feel; choose to feel good so that you can attract good to you. "Stay in your own movie" - Write your own script, choose your cast, and direct all's your life, and should not belong to anyone else, especially those with whom you do not get along....and remember, with every movie there are also those reviewing it, those disecting or praising it, and critics galore who write their weekly columns about it. So Chad, Life is about joy. Joy is about finding out what you really love through daily living and all the contrasts presented to you. Choose what you prefer to do, be, say from these contrasts. Then focus on that preference, move forward, and let others be. Remember you are beloved. You will find your group of loyal friends and not worry about the negative comments because you will already be wrapped in a cocoon of love.... You have done a fantastic job, and we who understand the cleanse, get it, stop fretting over that maligned comment/person, go out and strut down the street in your new look, smile and wink at everybody, and have an OJ on us!! much love and peace, madonna


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