tomorrow will be my first day for my first time trying the MC! a friend of mine did it several months ago for 30 days and was very pleased in his results. i've been attracted to it and reading up on it since then, but have always found a reason not to take the plunge. I've finally had enough!
I emotionally over eat--it is like being drunk. i cannot control it and i use food to suppress everything. no more!
my only concern is that i have been following a low carb lifestyle for 3 years. over 3 years of no sugar to maple syrup is, well, frightening. but i realize in the last 1.5 my diet has gone from healthy raw/vege options of low card to prepackaged trash and even abusing "good for you" snack foods like downing a 16oz of almonds in one day. is there any advice for going from low carb to the cleanse?
i'm glad i found this forum. i hope it will help me through the fast!!