Hey all. I am not doing good.. my head is in so much pain from these giant Ascaris ( I think ) that are under the skin on my head .. in my scalp. They have grown soo big that i can plainly feel them with my bare hand and they even make my hair move! You can clearly see it...I've had this infection for 10 years now... I know its bad... I have really tried everything and continue to take FenBen and Albendazole , doxy, moxi levamisole, etc ... so I do not know If They are even dying in my head or the pain is just from them being there.... I seriously think I need like an emergency surgery to remove these giant things from my head.. but then again they are everywhere throughout my body even in my heart. Big Ones. I Need help.....I don't know who could do such a surgery but I'm damn near about to do it myself.