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21 of 21 and done!
I started my OJ this morning, having compleated the 21 days that I set out to do after getting to 10 days. I must say, it was quite easy after 10 days to keep going. I feel that I could continue past 21 days pretty easily as well. But I have made it to my goal and am eager to try some great new raw recipes and use my brand new juicer! I had a couple instances of bliss and euphoria, the
Master-Cleanse surely adding to the emotions.
Around 12 days I ran out of regular cayenne pepper (from the spice rack) and changed to 100,000 heat unit capsuls that I poured into a small container for use. After starting to use that, the detox symptoms increased. I had a lot of gas, abdominal discomfort, and eliminations in the early evening. I also began passing a lot of mucus. This is a good thing!
At around 15 days, my exercise changed from 30 minutes of walking on the tradmill and 15 minutes in the sauna, to 90 minute Bikram Yoga. WOW! I have been doing that daily ever since and what a difference it has made in both body and mind!
Throughout the whole cleanse I made sure to drink half my body weight in
ounces of water to keep my body properly hydrated. I drank Smooth Move tea every other night and the
SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) every morning.
This was my second attempt at the MC, my first being a failed 8 dayer....needless to say, I made it this time and feel great! I have lost nearly 20 lbs, my skin is clearer, and the psoraiasis on my knees is almost completely gone! Amazing!
I just wanted to share my experience with everyone, the forum is where I have got all the help and support I need. Thank you!
My recommendations to newbies: Read the book and the FAQ's!!! Great information and instruction!