Yes I do think Trollslayer has made a mark here because Trapper went much quieter than usual and I noticed been there done that posted in the biblical since Trollslayer confronted Trapper. Been there done that has gone quiet also... this is a Christianity Debate forum and what are they doing here? They don't belong here, where is the moderators allowing it? Does Curezone care about it's future advertising? There won't be any advertising if it keeps carrying on as the birds would have almost but a few flown the nest. Just think of all the people this unrelenting situation has put off posting here. If I had not already been on the forum and I came to it when Trapper first came here it could have put me off the forum altogether. It must be a huge turn off for others. Just imagine a newbie coming here and being confronted by Trapper, yuk! I have stood my ground with the trolls and at times put the battle armor on, other times I have ignored, it is a funny old world.