A very sensible answer to this situation. I think your right that in the long term Trollslayer won't be able to get rid of the Troll but Trollslayer is making things uncomfortable for the Troll and it's showing. I do think the Trollslayer is gutsy to take the Troll on. That Troll has had some pretty nasty cards tucked up his sleeves so to speak.
It seems to me that the Troll sees themselves in charge of this forum, it comes across like that so Trollslayer disrupting the Troll is having an effect.
I just don't understand how the troll gets away with it when Curezone is supposed to be moderated, it's putting people off from coming to Curezone, the place use to be a busy hub but you can't compare Curezone to how it use to be, it's lost it's greatness.