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Re: Jesus speaks out against those who exploit the Bible for their own advantage
loquat1 Views: 734
Published: 7 y
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Re: Jesus speaks out against those who exploit the Bible for their own advantage

I never said there was no hope for either of them. There are no limits to God's grace, and both might still be led to true and saving repentance and faith.

I'm simply saying there is nothing more I can usefully do in that direction. And since I have no interest in simply trading personal insults with them, I'm not quite sure what it is you think I should be doing instead?

You may enjoy being their punchbag, but I have much better things to do with my time, such as praying for them. 

The rest is in God's hands.

If all that is evidence of a lack of faith, then you'd better start praying for me too.



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