You just dont stop justifying yourself do you.
Well as you have accused me of giving Refreshed personal abuse show me the posts where that has occurred and we will see what you say is true.
I think I dearly miss Refreshed as much as anybody on this forum. Overall we had a great relationship albeit we had differences on Christianity. She and one other have kept on a straight and narrow on Christianity and a good source for me with less experience to look at my input. You have no idea about that woman so dont start your lying once again for everything between Refreshed and myself are in the history. You see you are looking for a way out of your problem but it wont work.
I do not want any apologies from you ever because you are insincere, all I want to see if you erase the personal attack on my personal life you admitted to that were wrong, for at the moment you use it in your defence against me which reveals your unrighteousness.