Re: Another Flawed Cancer Study Pushes Chemo and Radiation, Warns Against Alternatives
First, and most important, I am sorry for your loss. It have lost several, including my wife about 12 years ago.
There is a real serious problem with people who push chemo and mislead their patients in favor of profit over a number of things that can actually help. Tony has often written, and I have written a number of articles over the years about this. These people need to face charges for crimes against humanity.
Anyone who has given chemotherapy for cancer should have their license taken for breaking the Hippocratic Oath, first, DO NO HARM.
Once their license is gone, they need to be tried in criminal court for any death that resulted. They should also be tried for fraud for failing to tell their patients about the true mortality statistics, that a significant number of people can only take 1 round of chemo, then go home to die in extreme misery far sooner than they would have if they had done nothing.